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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Saurez Family:: Thomasville, Ga Portrait Photographer

I wanted to share just a few photos that I took the other day of my sister and her family. I also asked her permission to share her story with you. I hope that it will encourage you if you are going through something hard. Many times the most common hurts get looked at as though they are not important but just because they are common does not mean that God does not see them as not important. He wants to heal and restore to you everything that has been taken by Satan. My big Sis is a perfect example of this. Ever since she was a little girl she wanted to be a nurse. But life got in the way. She got married and had 4 children (Amazing children I might add). My parents were not happy with her choice so you can see how that would effect her on a emotional level. She did not have a wedding and did not have my dad walk her down the isle. Lets put it this way, it was not the marriage that she dreamed of. She was abandoned by her husband and had to take care of her kids on her own or should I say with Gods help. She filed for divorce. In the midst of the pain she decided to go back to nursing school (she tried this once before). My parents helped by watching the kids. She worked 2 jobs and went to full time school. Please bare in mind that she lived in a small trailer that barely functioned on top of all of this.  I remember her trusting in God the whole way through. I know that anyone that has been through nursing school knows how challenging it is. Imagine doing it with 4 young children that are only a year apart in age and no husband to support you or to lean on when you get home from a long day of work. She leaned on the Lord and he gave her strength. He really did! He told her that he would restore her and heal her. So after 4 years she finally got to the final test to be done with nursing. She failed it by 1/4 of a point! Yeah she was devastated. She almost gave up right then and there. She ended up having to go back a for the whole year again. Finally she passed! I think all of us were relieved!

She got a job and continued barely making it. Little did she know that God was going to restore everything to her all at once!
My dad is a carpenter and started building her a beautiful 4 bedroom house. He did it at cost which made it affordable.

Then God sent her Alex. I have to admit that I was skeptical about him. I remember going to meet him with the intention of not liking him. I did not want anyone to hurt my sister and her precious kids. But when I met him, I loved him! How could anyone not like him. He was funny, sweet, and you could tell that he was genuine. Not too much time passed and they got married. I am telling you right now, I have very few times seen a husband that I respect as much as him. He is loving, caring, funny, and he loves those kids like they are his own! Only God could put the heart of a father in someone who has never fathered before and it is obviously what happened with him. They immediately called him daddy after they got married. They have been married for a few years and now have a new addition, Nora. What a gorgeous baby!  I mean come on, I cant be the only one who see's this! lol
I will be posting a few of her and her sister Anna later this week.

So here they are! The Suarez family!

BTW if you ever need a videographer, Alex does this. He specializes in weddings and sports.


Anonymous said...

I have known Alex for a while and yes he is everything you described! Joy is an amazing person as well, I meet her through the church and fell in love with her and her children. They are a very blessed family indeed

Anonymous said...

I was the one who thought they would make a wonderful couple simply because Joy wanted someone who would love her kids. I mean how many guys would even go out with a girl who has FOUR kids? They are very few and far between. Watching Alex begin the relationship with each child even before they got married would make any parent cry! Even after they were married Alex went way beyond the call to make sure each child felt secure, loved and accepted by him. He also never tried to take the place of their real dad. However, he did fulfill the role of "new" dad who remained rock steady...never leaving....always there. That is what this family needed from way back. Only God can do something like that! Each time we see them we smile and are amazed at the changes in each one of the kids. Wow....when God does something...he does it so right!