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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Niece Nora :: Thomasville, GA Baby Photographer

First of all let me tell you a little about Nora. She never stops smiling, loves to snuggle her baby's(which could be barbies, stuffed bears, or anything else with a face! lol) , loves music (she got it from her daddy!) , and REALLY loves shoes!
She tries to put on every shoe in sight! I was over visiting my sister for the day so I brought my camera and took some pictures of Nora. It took forever since she never stops moving but we finally got some good shots toward the end! Lets just say, I had to go home and take a nap afterwards! lol

 Joy I put this one on just for you because you are probably the one person who would like it most! lol

Trying to put on her baby doll's shoe! hehe