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Monday, September 26, 2011

Lindsey and Wesley's Wedding Part 1 :: Sylvester, GA Wedding Photographer

I truly enjoyed being a part of this special couples day!  Both Lindsey and Wesley are two of the sweetest people you will ever meet! They decided to see each other before the ceremony. I loved Wesley's reaction when he saw Lindsey for the first time. He teared up and just hugged her for the longest time and after he would let her go then he would hug her again and again. You could tell they were made for each other! There were so many details about his wedding that made it unique and fun to photograph. First of all, Lindsey hired someone to build her a rustic wall which she walked through to go down the isle. She hung Organic Bloom Frames on the wall with photos of Her and Wesley's grandparents. We are now selling these frames btw if anyone wants to order some!  Here are some photos that were taken before the ceremony. I will post another blog with some from the ceremony and reception later this week!

Lindsey seeing her little brother.  So sweet!

 Her and her dad.


Brenda said...

Beautiful bride. Love her rustic wall!

Wenni Donna said...

You did an amazing job in capturing these wonderful pictures from the wedding. The bride and groom are looking so beautiful, and the entire setup is very lovely. I hope that we will also be able to put together a wonderful wedding for my daughter, who is getting married next month at her favorite event space NYC.